Complement your Collagen Induction Therapy with These Easy Lifestyle Changes

Collagen is something you might not think of that often (or ever), but it’s important, particularly in people who want youthful, radiant skin. Collagen Induction Therapy, also called microneedling, is one technique that helps; it’s a cosmetic procedure that involves microneedling the skin as a way to treat scarring, acne, and other problems.

While this type of therapy works for many areas, there are lifestyle choices that complement the results. And you certainly want to do these to protect your investment. So, consider the following:

Stay away from the sun

Sure, the sun’s the center of the universe, but it’s a necessary evil…at least when it comes to the skin. Nothing hurts the skin as much as sunlight; therefore, limit it as much as possible. This doesn’t mean you can never go outside, but take appropriate precautions – wear sunscreen or a hat with a wide-brim (or both). But more than anything, stay away from tanning beds; they’re a one-way ticket to aging.

In fact, studies suggest that the sun’s UV rays are responsible for 80 percent of the visible signs of aging. Tanning beds allow UV rays to penetrate deeper into the skin, causing more damage than regular sunlight. This leads to more wrinkles, crow’s feet, and loss of collagen…not to mention skin cancer.

Eat an anti-inflammatory diet

Inflammation is both good and bad. Acute inflammation helps us heal; chronic inflammation leads to tissue damage. One of the ways to protect yourself from the latter is by adopting an anti-inflammatory diet. Some anti-inflammatory foods that are plate-worthy include tomatoes, olive oil, leafy vegetables, blueberries, strawberries, nuts, and grapes. Foods you’ll want to avoid include white bread, French fries, soda, red or processed meat, and margarine.

Get enough sleep

Sleep is one of those activities we’d all love to do more of. But, alas, life gets in the way. However, when it comes to your skin, it’s important to make sleep a priority. Per the National Sleep Foundation, adults between the ages of 18 and 65 should strive for 7-9 hours a night. Seniors require an hour less.

These tips are all beneficial to your skin and, let’s face it, your health overall!

At Leah Nickie Advanced Aesthetics, we offer a relaxing and pleasurable experience while providing education on skin health and skin care concerns. Our skin care lines reflect our belief that environmentally responsible products can and do provide the very best for our skin, our bodies, and our planet. To schedule one of our services, please call 303-527-0101 or book online.

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